All Types New & Used Farm Equipment

Kuhn Sales

Quality farm equipment sales and service for Kuhn brand products.

Kelly Ryan Parts & Sales

Reliable farm equipment sales and service for Kelly Ryan farm equipment.

Service Center

Expert maintenance and repair for popular farm equipment brands.

Explore our wide selection of farm equipment for all your agricultural needs.

Happy Customers

Read what our satisfied customers have to say about our farm equipment dealership.

We have been purchasing equipment from Eron Equipment for years and have always been impressed with their quality and service. Highly recommend them to other farmers in the area.

Bob Steiner
white and brown house on brown field
white and brown house on brown field

Plover, WI

Eron Equipment has been a reliable partner for our farm. Chester is knowledgeable and always ready to assist with any equipment needs. Great experience working with him.

shallow focus photography of wheat field
shallow focus photography of wheat field
Jake Wilkowski

Miladore, WI
